Friday, October 06, 2006

When you are right...

Mark Cuban is, far and away, the most interesting and compelling sports owner. Sure, the are pre-conceived ideas about the Dallas Mavericks' owner from what is distilled in short, out-of-context TV bytes, but forget that silliness. What makes Cuban even more compelling is that he is not only accessible to the media and his players, but also the fans, too. He isn't afraid of his customers or clients -- it seems as if he seeks out their input, comments and criticisms.

There are not many people of Cuban's ilk who do anything remotely close to that.

If one were to drop Cuban an email with a pertinent and well-thought out question, idea, etc. chances are he will respond.

Perhaps he has the luxury of being born at the right time or making his money early in his life so he isn't as out of touch with the changing world and new technology as most sports team owners, but what makes Cuban especially intriguing is that he doesn't dismiss the old media or write-off the changing dichotmy of how news is presented and reported.

The bottom line is Cuban gets it.

No better example of this is an entry in Cuban's blog from today. Better yet, name another owner who even has a blog, let alone one who updates it constantly.

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